At Brass Balls Cycles we meticulously hand craft Uncompromising American Motorcycles, bespoke for discerning customers. We are a federally licensed manufacturer with NHTSA assigned VIN numbers, allowing our bikes to be financed & insured. We’ve won numerous awards and are the only company to win AMD World Championships of Custom/Production Bike Building 2 years in a row.

Brass Balls Cycles Bike Kits are the only bike kits designed with the customer/builder in mind. We offer them in 5 separate & customizable phases so you can build as your time and budget allows. Our kits have been thoughtfully designed, derived from years of experience building our award winning custom/production bikes. We are here for you every step of the way and can’t wait to see your completed bike.
Over the years we have built & customized several bikes to support our troops. Our charity of choice is Pros4vets.org. We are currently seeking sponsors to help us provide bike kits for soldiers with PTSD.
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